Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Embracing Change

I created this blog over 6 months ago and decided it is time to start using it. I recently moved into a one bedroom apartment in NY and will be starting graduate school at Adelphi University. This is the first time I am living alone, and without my dogs. It is a big change, but I am hopeful that once I dive into my school work, find a job, and have more of a schedule I will adjust to it. Right now it is snowing out. We are expected to get 8-10 inches. My first day of class is today (go figure) from 6-10 pm. So far the campus is still open. This is a problem. There is absolutely no way I am driving to campus in this. The snow is supposed to be even worse tonight, so maybe by this evening campus will be closed. Anyway, I will be getting my Masters in Social Work. I chose Adelphi because they have a good MSW program, and after going to ECU for my undergraduate I decided I wanted to be closer to home. A 2-3 hour drive is MUCH better than 8 hours. I also only know two people here. Even though I'm excited to be somewhere new and start fresh, it is overwhelming and quite intimidating. I forgot how hard change can be. Yesterday I was talking to one of my very dear friends who also lives alone and goes to graduate school in Philadelphia. I was asking her how she dealt with living alone and how long it took her to adjust. Like always she was very supportive, encouraged me, and reminded me that the anxious feelings I was experiencing were completely valid. Not long after our conversation I was unpacking and came across a picture frame of her and I that she gave me for high school graduation. In the picture frame is a small picture of us and a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that says, "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." I thought it was ironic that I came across it shortly after our conversation. I also have kept this precious gift from my wonderful friend for almost 5 years because that quote has so much meaning and anytime I am struggling or start doubting myself I just read it and it brings me peace and hope that everything is going to be okay. So, I am taking it a day at a time and teaching myself how to embrace change instead of run from it.